30 September 2012
29 September 2012
Berita Semasa 29 September 2012 ...
Silver prices expected to gain strength
Silver prices, deeply dented but unbroken by a rout in May, are expected to climb steadily through the second half of the year as investors buy the metal as an alternative to expensive gold. Silver prices have held at more than $32 since mid-May, and analysts expect silver to move higher in the second half of the year, supported by low interest rates in the US, a sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone and inflation concerns in major emerging economies like China and India.
“Lingering fears of a sovereign debt crisis, inflationary pressures and a slowdown in the recovery continue to drive investors to look for a safe haven and hedge against uncertainty,” said Phillip Futures analyst Ong Yi Ling. “When gold hits a record high, investors will once again search for a cheaper alternative to gold, and silver may be the best candidate.''
Recently, the spot price of gold extended gains to a ninth session, reaching a record of $1,589.56 an ounce, while silver extended a rise of 5.6 per cent from the previous session to $38.38. Phillip Futures said it expected silver prices to reach $43 in the second half of the year, while Barclays Capital said it expected prices to reach $40.20 in the third quarter.
“Silver is looking reasonably good in the second half, as prices have been basing around $35, and is not losing momentum any more,” said Australia & New Zealand Banking global head (commodity research) Mark Pervan.
Trading volumes for silver on the Shanghai Gold Exchange rose May 13 to 2.26 million kilograms. While volumes plunged to 4,75,056 kilograms, that was still more than three times the average daily volume of 1,51,966 kilograms last year.
The silver story is expected to be underlined by a continued preference in Asia for the physical metal and rising demand for exchange-traded funds, analysts and traders said. The outflow from silver-backed exchange-traded funds is also likely to be coming to an end, and the possibility of rising demand from those funds will further bolster silver prices in years to come, Pervan said. The funds let investors profit from rising prices without owning physical material and have become popular among Western investors. The growth of such funds has helped gold prices take off, as the increasing holdings add to the demand for bullion.
“The ETF story that has driven gold in the past four or five years is a new dynamic in silver,” Pervan said. “Further build-up in silver ETF demand may be slightly more than what you’ ll see in gold, a lot of which is driven by a lower entry point to precious metals provided by silver. It’s 1/40 of gold’s price, which is always going to be a trigger for small investors.” The gold-silver ratio, or the number of ounces of silver needed to buy one ounce of gold, has dropped to a one-month low of 41.4, off its lows of under 32 in late April when silver prices were at a record high.
The silver held by IShares Silver Trust, the world’s largest silver exchange-traded fund, rose 1 per cent to 9,633.95 tons Wednesday, 15 times the fund's holdings at inception in April 2006. The world's biggest gold exchange-traded fund, SPDR Gold Trust, reported holdings at 1,225.41 tonnes, 151 times its holdings when the fund was started in 2004.
It would rank among the largest gold holders in the world, right after France and before China. Silver prices in the second half are expected to hinge on a pickup in demand from India, the world's largest bullion consumer and one of the largest silver consumers in terms of fabrication demand.
A number of gold funds have attracted increasing interest from investors in India this year, but silver funds have yet to start trading there because of regulatory uncertainties. Retail investors in India rushed to buy silver bars and coins during the metal’s price rise early this year, only to rue their luck when the May rout shaved a third off the metal’s value. But dealers say good monsoon rains and bulging farm incomes could bring back buyers.
“If farmers get good crops, certainly demand would rise from rural households,” said Harshad Ajmera, who owns of JJ Gold House, a wholesaler in Kolkata. The monsoon has so far been normal, which bodes well for rural earnings. But silver imports are likely to slow at least for the next month or two, coinciding with Indian monsoon season, which typically sees a lull in purchases of gold, and silver as farmers focus on sowing crops. Rural areas make up 70 per cent of India’s gold demand and about 60 per cent of its silver consumption.
“I usually buy gold and silver jewelry at the time of the Diwali festival,” said Vikram Patil, a cotton farmer from Jalgaon, Maharashtra. “If my earnings improve, I will invest more in jewelry,” Patil added.
28 September 2012
27 September 2012
Berita Semasa 27 September 2012 ...
Gold outshines equities in India, ROI doubles in three years
NEW DELHI(Commodity Online): Gold has outshone all other investment avenues even when the global economy has been through tumultuous times and the equity market has performed the worst, according to Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM).
In terms of return to the investors, gold has witnessed a golden era. The share market has given negative returns on investment in the last three years. Not only in India but around the world yellow metal is becoming the first choice for investors.
“Whether it is local investor or global investors, they have all gone by the conventional wisdom of gold being the safest bet when there is uncertainty about all other investment avenues,” says ASSOCHAM Secretary General D S Rawat.
It will be wrong to blame Indian passions for gold, as if it is only this passion which led to a big yellow metal import of USD 60 billion in fiscal 2011-12. There are global risk aversion factors at play, he added.
According to Assocham reports, Standard gold was selling at around Rs 15,000-15,500 per ten grams in India just about three years ago. Today it is well above Rs 32,000 per ten grams- giving more than double the returns on investment in three years.
The worst performer has been the equity market The high point of the benchmark Sensex in 2009-10 was 17,711. Today, it is trading in the same range. So, the investment in equity has not even given a simple bank interest rate equivalent and are negative in actual yield.
On a five-year horizon, the equity investors have lost significantly. The high point of Sensex in fiscal 2007-08 was 20873 whereas it is range-bound between 17,000-18,000 now. But gold has given even more handsome results to the investors. The precious metal was selling around Rs 9,500 per ten grams five years ago in September, 2007. So, the returns on this time horizon are about 350 per cent.
"Net-net, gold has absolutely outdone other asset classes and it is likely to remain an attractive bet as long as uncertainty over the global economy stays" says Mr. Rawat.
26 September 2012
Blog Pilihan Pelabur Emas Perak ...
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Pada hari ini saya ingin menjemput rakan-rakan pembaca yang budiman untuk memberi sokongan kepada blogger baru yang merupakan juga sebagai seorang rakan "Pelabur Emas Perak" ... Saya memang suker memberi sokongan moral untuk lebih ramai untuk berkongsi idea dan pengalaman masing-masing di dalam blog ... Dengan perkongsian sedemikian akan memberi peluang untuk kita menjana idea yang baru ... Sudilah rakan-rakan untuk melawat blog beliau seperti link di bawah ....
Pada hari ini saya ingin menjemput rakan-rakan pembaca yang budiman untuk memberi sokongan kepada blogger baru yang merupakan juga sebagai seorang rakan "Pelabur Emas Perak" ... Saya memang suker memberi sokongan moral untuk lebih ramai untuk berkongsi idea dan pengalaman masing-masing di dalam blog ... Dengan perkongsian sedemikian akan memberi peluang untuk kita menjana idea yang baru ... Sudilah rakan-rakan untuk melawat blog beliau seperti link di bawah ....
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
25 September 2012
24 September 2012
Berita Semasa 24 September 2012 ...
QE3 Removes Price Ceiling for Gold & Silver
Peter Schiff, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital, recently gave an interview discussing the prospects of gold. When asked how high the price of gold may reach, he responded that there is no ceiling for the precious metal, because there is no limit on how much money will be printed. The Federal Reserve’s latest announcement confirms this theory, and paves the way for much higher gold and silver prices.
Last Thursday, the central bank proved it is willing to do whatever it takes to prop up asset prices in an effort to cause a wealth effect among consumers and spur a recovery. The Federal Open Market Committee launched yet another quantitative easing program. This time, the Federal Reserve will buy agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month, in addition to its current Operation Twist 2 program. The net effect of these actions will increase the Federal Reserve’s long-term holdings by about $85 billion each month through the end of the year. Furthermore, the central bank extended out its zero interest rate policy to at least mid-2015.
Interestingly, QE3 will be open-ended, meaning that the Federal Reserve has no set limit to how long the fresh money printing will last. It will also conduct additional asset purchases if the labor market does not improve. In a press conference following the statement, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke explained, “We’re looking for ongoing, sustained improvement in the labor market. There’s not a specific number we have in mind. What we’ve seen in the last six months isn’t it.” The headline unemployment rate in the U.S. has remained above 8% for 43 consecutive months.
While the announcement of the first open-ended program in the Federal Reserve’s history was rough enough on the US dollar, the central bank explained it will keep its finger on the print button until well after an economic recovery takes place. “To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens,” according to the FOMC statement. Bernanke later added, “We’re not going to rush to begin to tighten policy.”
A Bernanke led Federal Reserve has been very kind to precious metals. Since the Chairman was appointed in early 2006, the price of gold has increased from $570 an ounce to more than $1,700 an ounce. In the same period, the price of silver has surged from $9.70 an ounce to over $34 an ounce. After QE3 was announced, both precious metals outperformed as expected. Gold quickly increased $38, while silver jumped more than $1. Meanwhile, the US Dollar iIdex, which compares the greenback in a basket against six other fiat currencies, fell to 79.25 and reached its lowest level against the euro since May. On Friday, the dollar continued its decline.
In the press conference following the print-to-infinity-and-beyond announcement, Bernanke also said, “We can’t solve this problem by ourselves.” However, who is the Chairman hinting to for help, the government? The country’s two political parties appear to be unable to agree on anything these days, and their most recent accomplishment involves pushing the official national debt right through $16 trillion. With more dollar devaluation on the way and gridlock in Washington, gold and silver prices look set to rise even more. At this point, the sky really is the limit.
Last Thursday, the central bank proved it is willing to do whatever it takes to prop up asset prices in an effort to cause a wealth effect among consumers and spur a recovery. The Federal Open Market Committee launched yet another quantitative easing program. This time, the Federal Reserve will buy agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month, in addition to its current Operation Twist 2 program. The net effect of these actions will increase the Federal Reserve’s long-term holdings by about $85 billion each month through the end of the year. Furthermore, the central bank extended out its zero interest rate policy to at least mid-2015.
Interestingly, QE3 will be open-ended, meaning that the Federal Reserve has no set limit to how long the fresh money printing will last. It will also conduct additional asset purchases if the labor market does not improve. In a press conference following the statement, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke explained, “We’re looking for ongoing, sustained improvement in the labor market. There’s not a specific number we have in mind. What we’ve seen in the last six months isn’t it.” The headline unemployment rate in the U.S. has remained above 8% for 43 consecutive months.
While the announcement of the first open-ended program in the Federal Reserve’s history was rough enough on the US dollar, the central bank explained it will keep its finger on the print button until well after an economic recovery takes place. “To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens,” according to the FOMC statement. Bernanke later added, “We’re not going to rush to begin to tighten policy.”
A Bernanke led Federal Reserve has been very kind to precious metals. Since the Chairman was appointed in early 2006, the price of gold has increased from $570 an ounce to more than $1,700 an ounce. In the same period, the price of silver has surged from $9.70 an ounce to over $34 an ounce. After QE3 was announced, both precious metals outperformed as expected. Gold quickly increased $38, while silver jumped more than $1. Meanwhile, the US Dollar iIdex, which compares the greenback in a basket against six other fiat currencies, fell to 79.25 and reached its lowest level against the euro since May. On Friday, the dollar continued its decline.
In the press conference following the print-to-infinity-and-beyond announcement, Bernanke also said, “We can’t solve this problem by ourselves.” However, who is the Chairman hinting to for help, the government? The country’s two political parties appear to be unable to agree on anything these days, and their most recent accomplishment involves pushing the official national debt right through $16 trillion. With more dollar devaluation on the way and gridlock in Washington, gold and silver prices look set to rise even more. At this point, the sky really is the limit.
23 September 2012
Semangat Student "U" Jadik Pelabur ...
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Memang jelas dan nyata bahawa pada saat dan tika ini ... Pelabur emas tidak mengira usia untuk menceburkan diri ... Terbaru saya telah berkenalan dan mengenali seorang pelabur emas di kalangan orang muda iaitu student "U" ... Tidak semestinya orang kaya sahaja yang boleh memiliki logam emas ... Betoikan ... Syabas diucapkan kepada "Encik Anas Afiq" kerana telah terlibat secara langsung di dalam aktiviti pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ini ... Logam emas ini ibarat magnet rezeki tauuuu ... Beliau boleh dihubungi di talian berikut:
Memang jelas dan nyata bahawa pada saat dan tika ini ... Pelabur emas tidak mengira usia untuk menceburkan diri ... Terbaru saya telah berkenalan dan mengenali seorang pelabur emas di kalangan orang muda iaitu student "U" ... Tidak semestinya orang kaya sahaja yang boleh memiliki logam emas ... Betoikan ... Syabas diucapkan kepada "Encik Anas Afiq" kerana telah terlibat secara langsung di dalam aktiviti pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ini ... Logam emas ini ibarat magnet rezeki tauuuu ... Beliau boleh dihubungi di talian berikut:
Nama : Encik Anas Afiq
H/p : 013 97 60 413
Rakan-rakan pembaca setia yang budiman bila pulak nak memulakan simpanan di dalam bentuk logam emas tulen fizikal nie ... Jommmm mulakan sekarang ! ! !
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
22 September 2012
21 September 2012
Pelabur Emas Tak Kira Usia ...
Rakan-rakan pembaca setia yang budiman bila pulak nak memulakan simpanan di dalam bentuk logam emas tulen fizikal nie ... Jommmm mulakan sekarang ! ! !
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Pelabur emas tidak mengira usia untuk menceburkan diri ... Tidak semestinya orang kaya sahaja yang boleh memiliki logam emas ... Di kalangan pelajar pusat pengajian tinggi tempatan pun sudah bijak untuk mengaktifkan diri dengan aktiviti pelaburan emas ini ... Buktinya jelas bahawa salah seorang rakan "Pelabur Emas Perak" adalah seorang mahasiswa tahun akhir di salah satu universiti di Ibu Negara ... Beliau tertarik dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ini kerana telah mempunyai ilmu tentang kebaikan untuk menyimpan aset di dalam bentuk logam emas tulen fizikal berbanding wang kertas ... Syabas diucapkan kepada "Encik Hafiy" kerana telah terlibat secara langsung di dalam aktiviti pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ini ... Beliau boleh dihubungi di talian berikut:
Pelabur emas tidak mengira usia untuk menceburkan diri ... Tidak semestinya orang kaya sahaja yang boleh memiliki logam emas ... Di kalangan pelajar pusat pengajian tinggi tempatan pun sudah bijak untuk mengaktifkan diri dengan aktiviti pelaburan emas ini ... Buktinya jelas bahawa salah seorang rakan "Pelabur Emas Perak" adalah seorang mahasiswa tahun akhir di salah satu universiti di Ibu Negara ... Beliau tertarik dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ini kerana telah mempunyai ilmu tentang kebaikan untuk menyimpan aset di dalam bentuk logam emas tulen fizikal berbanding wang kertas ... Syabas diucapkan kepada "Encik Hafiy" kerana telah terlibat secara langsung di dalam aktiviti pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ini ... Beliau boleh dihubungi di talian berikut:
Nama : Encik Hafiy
H/p : 013 920 54 70
Rakan-rakan pembaca setia yang budiman bila pulak nak memulakan simpanan di dalam bentuk logam emas tulen fizikal nie ... Jommmm mulakan sekarang ! ! !
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
20 September 2012
Berita Semasa 20 September 2012 ...
Gold biggest beneficiary of Fed's QE3, analysts recommend a buy
TOKYO: Post the announcement of a third round of quamtitative easing, the global markets witnessed a sharp rally. The biggest beneficiary of the Federal Reserve move was the precious metal gold, which saw a surge in its prices.
Spot gold rose 0.4 per cent to a 6-1/2 month high of $1,774.96 an ounce, adding to Thursday's 2 per cent gain. Both gold and silver have been rising since the start of August because investors were expecting the Fed to take action.
Spot gold rose 0.4 per cent to a 6-1/2 month high of $1,774.96 an ounce, adding to Thursday's 2 per cent gain. Both gold and silver have been rising since the start of August because investors were expecting the Fed to take action.
Investors often put their money into gold when the Fed gets more involved in the economy. Fed actions carry the risk of causing inflation. Some investors view gold as a way to protect themselves from rising prices. Some wondered how long the increase would last.
Jim Walker, Founder & MD, Asianomics told ET Now that he sees gold prices doubling over the next three years, and that he would like to put his money in gold.
"Just get out of equities, buy gold, fixed income assets, high yielding stocks. Buy safety because from hereon, there is going to be carnage on the streets," Walker said.
Jeff Sica, chief investment officer of Sica Wealth Management, which currently manages over $1 billion in client assets, real estate and private equity holdings, now sees gold as the best investment in the face of mass liquidity creation and the weakening dollar.
"The appeal of gold as a shelter from fear and a secondary currency has never been greater," Sica said in an e-mail to Reuters, adding he expected commodity prices to continue rising.
Witnessing a spectacular rally, the Sensex rallied 400 points on the back of a liquidity-driven rally in the global markets after the Fed announcement. Meanwhile, risk assets from Asian shares to commodities rallied while the dollar slipped further on Friday as markets digested the US Federal Reserve's aggressive new stimulus to drive job creation in the US economy.
The Fed's move supported the risk-positive momentum at work since the European Central Bank's bond-buying scheme to get borrowing costs down for struggling euro zone members was approved by Germany's constitutional court.
MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan soared 2.2 per cent to four-month highs after US stocks scaled multi-year peaks, with the Standard & Poor's 500 Index hitting its loftiest close since December 2007 on Thursday. Japan's Nikkei stock average jumped 1.5 per cent, pulled higher by gains in beaten-down cyclicals, but the firm yen weighed.
The dollar index measured against a basket of key currencies fell to a fresh four-month low of 79.134.
Shanghai commodities futures, from copper, zinc to rebar jumped between 3 to 5 per cent on hopes the Fed's move would bolster global demand for manufacturing and building materials.
"The Fed took the best possible policy option that's available now, aiming to bolster asset prices while taming the rise in key commodities and energy prices but also aiming to achieve an inflation target," said Naohiro Niimura, a partner at
Jim Walker, Founder & MD, Asianomics told ET Now that he sees gold prices doubling over the next three years, and that he would like to put his money in gold.
"Just get out of equities, buy gold, fixed income assets, high yielding stocks. Buy safety because from hereon, there is going to be carnage on the streets," Walker said.
Jeff Sica, chief investment officer of Sica Wealth Management, which currently manages over $1 billion in client assets, real estate and private equity holdings, now sees gold as the best investment in the face of mass liquidity creation and the weakening dollar.
"The appeal of gold as a shelter from fear and a secondary currency has never been greater," Sica said in an e-mail to Reuters, adding he expected commodity prices to continue rising.
Witnessing a spectacular rally, the Sensex rallied 400 points on the back of a liquidity-driven rally in the global markets after the Fed announcement. Meanwhile, risk assets from Asian shares to commodities rallied while the dollar slipped further on Friday as markets digested the US Federal Reserve's aggressive new stimulus to drive job creation in the US economy.
The Fed's move supported the risk-positive momentum at work since the European Central Bank's bond-buying scheme to get borrowing costs down for struggling euro zone members was approved by Germany's constitutional court.
MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan soared 2.2 per cent to four-month highs after US stocks scaled multi-year peaks, with the Standard & Poor's 500 Index hitting its loftiest close since December 2007 on Thursday. Japan's Nikkei stock average jumped 1.5 per cent, pulled higher by gains in beaten-down cyclicals, but the firm yen weighed.
The dollar index measured against a basket of key currencies fell to a fresh four-month low of 79.134.
Shanghai commodities futures, from copper, zinc to rebar jumped between 3 to 5 per cent on hopes the Fed's move would bolster global demand for manufacturing and building materials.
"The Fed took the best possible policy option that's available now, aiming to bolster asset prices while taming the rise in key commodities and energy prices but also aiming to achieve an inflation target," said Naohiro Niimura, a partner at
Tokyo-based research and consulting firm Market Risk Advisory. "The key is that it's open-ended, eyeing a gradual and longer-lasting effect of monetary easing," he said, adding that base metals such as copper, which has been weighed by concerns about sluggish demand as economic fundamentals weakened, have a big scope for further gains after the Fed's action.
The Fed said it will buy $40 billion of mortgage-backed debt per month until the job market improves substantially as long as inflation remains contained - acting on its dual mandate to maintain price stability and tackle unemployment.
The US central bank also said it was unlikely to raise interest rates from current lows until at least mid-2015, extending the timeframe for such a move from late 2014.
"The Fed decision to introduce the newest round of quantitative easing is less QE3 and more QE Infinity," said Neal Gilbert, currency strategist at GFT Forex in New Jersey, noting that no limit has been set on the intervention.
"With Europe getting their act together (at least temporarily), the Fed flooding the market with cash, and China talking stimulatory infrastructure projects, the three largest influencers of market dynamics could be creating a bull market for at least the near term," he told Reuters by e-mail.
Gilbert expects the strongest reactions in the euro against the dollar, while the yen may face the unintended consequence of appreciating against the dollar to levels that the Japanese authorities would find uncomfortable.
Finance Minister Jun Azumi said on Friday that Japan stands ready to take decisive action against excessive yen rises if necessary after it hit a seven-month high against the dollar following the Fed's move.
The dollar traded up 0.1 per cent at 77.56 yen, recovering from the seven-month low at 77.13 yen touched on Thursday. The euro hit a fresh four-month high at $1.3016
The Fed said it will buy $40 billion of mortgage-backed debt per month until the job market improves substantially as long as inflation remains contained - acting on its dual mandate to maintain price stability and tackle unemployment.
The US central bank also said it was unlikely to raise interest rates from current lows until at least mid-2015, extending the timeframe for such a move from late 2014.
"The Fed decision to introduce the newest round of quantitative easing is less QE3 and more QE Infinity," said Neal Gilbert, currency strategist at GFT Forex in New Jersey, noting that no limit has been set on the intervention.
"With Europe getting their act together (at least temporarily), the Fed flooding the market with cash, and China talking stimulatory infrastructure projects, the three largest influencers of market dynamics could be creating a bull market for at least the near term," he told Reuters by e-mail.
Gilbert expects the strongest reactions in the euro against the dollar, while the yen may face the unintended consequence of appreciating against the dollar to levels that the Japanese authorities would find uncomfortable.
Finance Minister Jun Azumi said on Friday that Japan stands ready to take decisive action against excessive yen rises if necessary after it hit a seven-month high against the dollar following the Fed's move.
The dollar traded up 0.1 per cent at 77.56 yen, recovering from the seven-month low at 77.13 yen touched on Thursday. The euro hit a fresh four-month high at $1.3016
19 September 2012
18 September 2012
Welcome On Board New Dealer From Ipoh ...
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Welcome On Board sahabat saya "Encik Megat Muslehuddin" dari Rapat Setia Ipoh Perak ... Ipoh mali tarak sombong punyer ... Tahniah lahh kerana telah mengambil tindakan yang bijak untuk menyertai rangkaian "Pelabur Emas Perak" bagi mengaktifkan diri dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dengan jenama bernombor 1 di Malaysia iaitu Public Gold ... Untuk pengetahuan kenkawan semuerr ... Beliau berkerjaya sebagai seorang "Peguam" di sebuah firma guaman di Bandaraya Ipoh ... Bijak-bijak tindakan beliau kerana melindungi aset dengan menukarkan kepada logam emas tulen fizikal ... Sahabat saya ini boleh dihubungi di talian berikut:
Welcome On Board sahabat saya "Encik Megat Muslehuddin" dari Rapat Setia Ipoh Perak ... Ipoh mali tarak sombong punyer ... Tahniah lahh kerana telah mengambil tindakan yang bijak untuk menyertai rangkaian "Pelabur Emas Perak" bagi mengaktifkan diri dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dengan jenama bernombor 1 di Malaysia iaitu Public Gold ... Untuk pengetahuan kenkawan semuerr ... Beliau berkerjaya sebagai seorang "Peguam" di sebuah firma guaman di Bandaraya Ipoh ... Bijak-bijak tindakan beliau kerana melindungi aset dengan menukarkan kepada logam emas tulen fizikal ... Sahabat saya ini boleh dihubungi di talian berikut:
Nama : Encik Megat Muslehuddin
Lokasi : Rapat Setia Ipoh Perak
H/p : 013 62 88 023
Rakan-rakan pembaca setia yang budiman bila pulak nak memulakan simpanan di dalam bentuk logam emas tulen fizikal nie ... Jommmm ! ! !
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
17 September 2012
Berita Semasa 17 September 2012 ...
Analysts concur that gold will hit at least $1,800 by November and silver and PGMs will be among the biggest winners of the Federal Reserve's new third quantitative easing program.
Posted: Friday , 14 Sep 2012
RENO (MINEWEB) - The Federal Reserve's announcement Thursday that it would purchase buy an additional $40 billion per month in mortgage-backed securities, increasing its holdings of longer-term securities by about $85 million each month through the end of the year, as well as keeping interest rates "exceptionally low" until 2015, sent investors running after gold and silver.
Gold futures rose to $1,773.10 per ounce, while silver jumped 6% to $34.78 per ounce.
"Expectations of a stronger U.S. economy resulting from this policy should help industrial demand for industrial base and precious metals, as well as, gold," TD Securities' Bart Melek advised. "The tighter supply/demand conditions should move prices higher, possibly above their respective cost structures."
The uptick in gold and silver also boosted copper to $3.74 per pound, as December palladium rose $9.70 to $689 per ounce. October platinum increased $29.90 to $1,679.50 per ounce. The world's largest bullion ETF, SPDR Gold Shares hit its highest price since February, closing at $171.31 per share while the iShares Silver Trust closed at $33.61 per share, up 4.35%.
TD Securities said it thinks that gold, silver and PGMs will be among the biggest winners from the Fed's commitment to growth. "We see gold jumping to well over $1,800 by year end. The Yellow metal hitting daily highs of around $2,000 is now entering the realm of possibility over the next nine months or so."
"Silver could hit the $38-40 territory, platinum $1,900, while a daily high of some $950 for palladium is also a real possibility by the second half of 2013," said TD Securities.
Analysts interviewed by various news organizations also advised that the Fed's move was supportive for the gold market. Sterling Smith, Citibank futures specialist, told Kitco $1,800/oz gold could occur by early November.
"Gold, in a way, is a pure currency, and that makes it the most interesting and the most favored when we see this type of situation" with quantitative easing, Smith told Bloomberg.
An unidentified U.S. trader told "Gold is the obvious and biggest beneficiary here, which is to be expected after this kind of announcement. It now looks like $1,800 is a near-certainty and the all-time high-water mark ($1,919) could be challenged right around the U.S. presidential election in November."
"Perhaps the most important feature of this FOMC announcement is its open-ended nature," said TD Securities' Melek. "One important bit of communication that they headlines have not talked about, but is very important to gold and other commodities, is the pronouncement that ‘the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens' as it implies willingness to tolerate inflation risks."
"Gold is a big winner, as the opportunity cost of holding zero yielding assets decreases with this over the longer term," Melek advised.
iPad Version: Picture - U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke : REUTERS/Jason Reed
16 September 2012
Aktiviti Pagi Sabtu ...
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Aktiviti saya pada pagi Sabtu ialah pergi ke opis Public Gold samada di Cawangan Senawang Seremban atau Cawangan Sunway Selangor ... Aktiviti samada untuk mengambil stok atau menjual balik stok yang sedia ada yang telah untung ... Untuk pengetahuan rakan-rakan pembaca sekalian bahawa pejabat Public Gold akan menerima seberapa jumlah sekalipun untuk dijual semula ... Ini bermakna kiter sebagai pelabur tidak khuatir untuk menjual semula stok gold sedia ada ... Tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk mencari penjual kerana opis Public Gold sedia untuk berbuat sedemikian ...Inilah kelebihan Public Gold ... Sedappp ! ! !
Aktiviti saya pada pagi Sabtu ialah pergi ke opis Public Gold samada di Cawangan Senawang Seremban atau Cawangan Sunway Selangor ... Aktiviti samada untuk mengambil stok atau menjual balik stok yang sedia ada yang telah untung ... Untuk pengetahuan rakan-rakan pembaca sekalian bahawa pejabat Public Gold akan menerima seberapa jumlah sekalipun untuk dijual semula ... Ini bermakna kiter sebagai pelabur tidak khuatir untuk menjual semula stok gold sedia ada ... Tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk mencari penjual kerana opis Public Gold sedia untuk berbuat sedemikian ...Inilah kelebihan Public Gold ... Sedappp ! ! !
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
15 September 2012
14 September 2012
Sembang Gold Dengan Tuan Haji Di Mamak ...
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Time cuti cuti memang syok lepak di kedai mamak sambil minum teh tarik kawww ... Tempohari berkesempatan lepak-lepak dengan rakan-rakan "Tuan Haji" sambil sembang-sembang untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan sebagai seorang pelabur logam emas dan perak ... Mencari ilmu tur perkara yang baik untuk memastikan apa yang kiter laksanakan akan membuahkan hasil yang baik ... Saya bersembang tidak kira siapa ... Yang penting ikhlas untuk berkongsi citer sambil layan roti canai dan telur setengah masak ... Sedappp ! ! !
Time cuti cuti memang syok lepak di kedai mamak sambil minum teh tarik kawww ... Tempohari berkesempatan lepak-lepak dengan rakan-rakan "Tuan Haji" sambil sembang-sembang untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan sebagai seorang pelabur logam emas dan perak ... Mencari ilmu tur perkara yang baik untuk memastikan apa yang kiter laksanakan akan membuahkan hasil yang baik ... Saya bersembang tidak kira siapa ... Yang penting ikhlas untuk berkongsi citer sambil layan roti canai dan telur setengah masak ... Sedappp ! ! !
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
13 September 2012
Berita Semasa 13 September 2012 ...
Gold price rally has been driven mainly by hopes that central banks will implement QE3
The price of gold fell slightly on Monday amid profit-taking following three straight weekly advances. The spot gold price dipped $6.30, or 0.4%, to $1,730.80 per ounce in morning trading, after reaching a six-month high of $1,745.32 last Friday. Today’s modest weakness in gold prices coincided with a small rise in the U.S.
dollar, which had dropped to a four-month low last week against a basket of foreign currencies.
Looking ahead, investors will soon find out if Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and the FOMC will announce QE3 at this Thursday’s Fed meeting. Across the Atlantic, on Wednesday the German Federal Constitutional Court will rule on the viability of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) – the proposed permanent financial assistance program aimed at combating the euro zone sovereign debt crisis.
Commenting on the outlook for the price of gold, Barclays Capital wrote in a report to clients that “Our economists now expect the Fed to ease further at this week’s FOMC meeting, providing gold the catalyst it requires to test fresh highs for this year over the coming weeks.”
Analysts at Commerzbank echoed that sentiment, noting that “The latest price rally has been driven mainly by hopes that central banks will implement monetary easing measures…[QE3] is likely to spark higher inflation in the medium to long term [and] lead to fears of depreciation of key trading currencies.”
“This should benefit gold as a store of value and as an alternative currency,” Commerzbank added. “We are therefore convinced that the gold price will continue to climb.”
Looking ahead, investors will soon find out if Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and the FOMC will announce QE3 at this Thursday’s Fed meeting. Across the Atlantic, on Wednesday the German Federal Constitutional Court will rule on the viability of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) – the proposed permanent financial assistance program aimed at combating the euro zone sovereign debt crisis.
Commenting on the outlook for the price of gold, Barclays Capital wrote in a report to clients that “Our economists now expect the Fed to ease further at this week’s FOMC meeting, providing gold the catalyst it requires to test fresh highs for this year over the coming weeks.”
Analysts at Commerzbank echoed that sentiment, noting that “The latest price rally has been driven mainly by hopes that central banks will implement monetary easing measures…[QE3] is likely to spark higher inflation in the medium to long term [and] lead to fears of depreciation of key trading currencies.”
“This should benefit gold as a store of value and as an alternative currency,” Commerzbank added. “We are therefore convinced that the gold price will continue to climb.”
12 September 2012
Pak Haji Pun Buat Transaction Gold ...
Bismillahhirrohmannirrohhim ...
Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera ...
Sejak dua menjak nie ... Ramai betoi yang berminat untuk turut serta terlibat di dalam pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ... Maklum sahajalah bahawa logam berharga ini masih menjadi pilihan sebagai aset yang amat bernilai sebagai portfolio pelaburan yang amat menguntungkan ... Tuan Haji pun berminat dengan transaksi pelaburan logam berharga ini ... Maklum lah sekarang nie musim harga sedang mencanak naik ... Untung selalur sebagai pelabur logam emas nie ... Kenkawan tunggu aper lagi ... Jomm mulakan ! ! !
Sejak dua menjak nie ... Ramai betoi yang berminat untuk turut serta terlibat di dalam pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal ... Maklum sahajalah bahawa logam berharga ini masih menjadi pilihan sebagai aset yang amat bernilai sebagai portfolio pelaburan yang amat menguntungkan ... Tuan Haji pun berminat dengan transaksi pelaburan logam berharga ini ... Maklum lah sekarang nie musim harga sedang mencanak naik ... Untung selalur sebagai pelabur logam emas nie ... Kenkawan tunggu aper lagi ... Jomm mulakan ! ! !
Rebut lah peluang untuk memiliki logam emas tulen fizikal pada masa sekarang ini ! ! !
Jika anda sudah membeli sendiri di Pejabat Public Gold ... Sewaktu untuk mengisi borang menjadi Dealer ... Jangan lupa tuliskan nama saya sebagai "Introducer" tauuuuuu ...
Nama: Ir. Abdul Razak Bin Haji Kamarudin
PG Code: PG 6751
Status: Master Dealer
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung dengan pelaburan logam emas tulen fizikal dan logam perak tulen fizikal ... Mahu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan strategi untuk menjana keuntungan dengan logam ini atau pun perlukan "direct personnel coaching" ... Sila hubungi saya di talian:
BBM PIN: 23 26 3d 2c
-Ir. AJAK-
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